Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sessions Hike

We intended to end the year with a hike out to the waterfall, roast some hot dogs make smores and just have a good time. We got about 9 people out so we loaded up the cars and took off. when we got out there though it was freezing, we're talking 44 degrees with a wind chill of, I don't know what wind chill is measured in but it was so cold that after 30 secs my ears hurt and I had to jump up and down to stay warm. Luckily the Institute was putting on dinners all this week for finals so we rushed back to campus. We were able to find a hibachi so the night wasnt a total waste. In fact it turned out even better because when we go it to the hall we had even more people there and even some of the Koreans came down for a bite. I love the kids here at Sessions, they've made being Head Residents so fun, if most of them weren't leaving too then it would be harder to go. The moral of the story is if it doesnt work out because the winds wants to eat you try try again in a building surrounded by people you love, oh but make sure the building doesnt catch on fire.


leinani45 said...

I'm glad you guys had fun!!! :) PS--I'm glad you guys are FINALLY using your blog! ;) I had NO idea you were moving!!!

The little Lowes said...

Sessions is a good place.


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